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 On the other hand, heterogeneous assays require one or more steps of separation, where unbound antibodies and/or unbound analyte must be washed away This makes heterogeneous assays oft en longer and more complex to conduct; The difference between heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures is the degree to which the materials are mixed together and the uniformity of their composition So, you wouldn't observe both a liquid and a gas or a liquid and a solid in a homogeneous mixture A mixture can be homogeneous having a uniform composition or heterogeneous having a nonuniform composition A homogeneous mixture is a mixture in which all substances are of the same nature and consists of similar parts Heterogeneous mixtures are made up of two or more totally different substances Homogeneous Mix vs Heterogeneous Mix List The Point Of Difference Between Homogenous And Heterogenous Mixtures Difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous samples

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